Allan Haverholm
Artist, writer & performer
(I'm revamping my site, so you'll have to
do with this lo-fi version for now.)

(I'm revamping my site, so you'll have to
do with this lo-fi version for now.)
Please scroll through for an overview of my work, in practice, theory and performance.
I have published a number of experimental comics and art books, as well as contributing to and organizing international anthologies and exhibitions.
Through reduction of motive and narrative, I have arrived – for now! – at the non-figurative collages that I work with today.
I see that development as a freedom from story and linearity – a reading experience more like that of maps than of text, and as an exploration rather than finding the quickest way from A to B.
Original artwork available for purchase on Artboost and Artmoney.
I have taught experimental comics and visual narrative for more than a decade, including workshops at the National Gallery of Denmark, Arken Museum of Modern Art, and lectures at North European conferences and symposia.
Through the years I have regularly written articles and reviews for Scandinavian and international magazines within that field. More recently I applied that accumulated experience in earning a Master's degree in Visual Culture. My thesis is available as a PDF here.
With musician Allan Grønvall, I give live drawing concerts as Grønvall.Haverholm.
Grønvall.Haverholm is an improvisational crossover media act combining live music and drawing with appropriate amplification – distortion and back projection. Giving concerts since early 2015, we have joined our individual fortes in avant-garde comics and extreme music to produce a unique creative performance.
Click to open on Youtube
Email: allan (a) haverholm dot com
Phone: +46 (0)739 315 736
Element for Matrix: @haverholm
Until I set up a new proper site, here are a few things you might find useful:
- My Mastodon account
- A place to buy my artwork
- Grønvall.Haverholm
- My Master thesis
- Press kit
- A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Just kidding, make your own sandwich.